Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Membership cards are here

The 2014-2015 Membership cards have arrived and ready for pick up.
Members can remit the $20 membership by mail or in person.

Mail to:

SAL Membership Dues - c/o Jason Tom (Vice Commander)
The Lt. B.R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
of  The American Legion,
Department of New York, Inc.
191-193 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013

Your new card will be sent to your address.  Please make sure
Vice Commander Jason have your correct return address.

If you want to bring your membership due to the Post, Jason will
be at there every Saturday from 12 to 4 pm.  You could then
pick up your new card in person.  If he is not there, you could
give it to Adjutant Gabe Mui or John Tom in a sealed envolope
as addressed above.